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Ke hoole okunyangadgala, na ki ifala komukodhi omunene.
(Ovambo Proverb: Namibia)
-This proverb cautions those who wander around the world aimlessly, as it can lead to disaster. In this case -the claws of a hawk! Live with passion and purpose. Nourish what inspires you -and run with it.

Kazana kulima, vyakupewa havitoshelezi.
(Bena Proverb: Tanzania)
-Preserve your life with farming, because handouts will not satisfy you. There is so much to be said about this simple phrase and sustainable community development.

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New York, New York, United States
More details to come. This blog will document my travels/work/photos/stories post grad school at Columbia.

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    Monday, July 6, 2009

    Swakopmund Photos

    Greetings Everyone:

    Here are the initial photos from my trip to Swakopmund this weekend. It was a blast to say the least and its by far one of my most memorable weekends ever. Everything was taken from 07/03/09 to 07/05/09 and shows how much Namibia's landscape can change in a 4 hour drive.

    The pictures speak for the activities and Erica and I packed a lot of them into one weekend. Stories will follow later this week after the dust settles here at work.





    A. E. Price

    Gracie Creek Ranch's Fan Box
