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Ke hoole okunyangadgala, na ki ifala komukodhi omunene.
(Ovambo Proverb: Namibia)
-This proverb cautions those who wander around the world aimlessly, as it can lead to disaster. In this case -the claws of a hawk! Live with passion and purpose. Nourish what inspires you -and run with it.

Kazana kulima, vyakupewa havitoshelezi.
(Bena Proverb: Tanzania)
-Preserve your life with farming, because handouts will not satisfy you. There is so much to be said about this simple phrase and sustainable community development.

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New York, New York, United States
More details to come. This blog will document my travels/work/photos/stories post grad school at Columbia.

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    Monday, October 5, 2009

    Kamanjab, Namibia

    Greetings All:

    Just a quick update note. I'm going to be leaving Outjo, Namibia and heading to Kamanjab [about an hour west of Outjo] and continue administering the economic survey to the Loxondonta conservnacy members. I'm looking forward to living in Kamanjab for a week or so. My friend Uapii has family in the area I can stay with and its situated right between the communal lands of the Northwest [where my Namibia heart rests] and the commercial land I've been running around in the last two weeks.

    Loxondonta Conservancy has some serious problems with elephants coming into their farms and basically making it impossible to farm cattle traditionally, so many are transitioning to hunting and wildlife lodges, but some resist due to farming traditions and previously invested money in the farm. I can't wait to start comparing the poaching and hunting value returns in this area compared to the Etosha Conservancy. This conservancy is much smaller in membership, but their farm sizes are a little bit bigger, so I should be done in this area shortly then onto surveying non-conservancy members soon.

    For now, the bush calls and I'm going to be on the road shortly.

    Thanks for reading!


    A.E. Price

    Gracie Creek Ranch's Fan Box
