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Ke hoole okunyangadgala, na ki ifala komukodhi omunene.
(Ovambo Proverb: Namibia)
-This proverb cautions those who wander around the world aimlessly, as it can lead to disaster. In this case -the claws of a hawk! Live with passion and purpose. Nourish what inspires you -and run with it.

Kazana kulima, vyakupewa havitoshelezi.
(Bena Proverb: Tanzania)
-Preserve your life with farming, because handouts will not satisfy you. There is so much to be said about this simple phrase and sustainable community development.

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New York, New York, United States
More details to come. This blog will document my travels/work/photos/stories post grad school at Columbia.

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    Thursday, December 17, 2009

    Winter Wounderland: St. Paul, Nebraska

    Greetings Friends, Family, and Readers!

    Currently, I'm working on a presentation for my Welcoming Home Party my family is throwing for me this Sunday, and its been great to review what I've learned in Namibia and decide which 50 photos will be shown!

    I've been recovering quickly from my jet lag and it feels so good to be home on the family farm in St. Paul, Nebraska. The last few mornings and evenings I've been walking around taking in the scenery with the red dog.

    Here are some of the views! I hope you enjoy!


    A.E. Price

    Gracie Creek Ranch's Fan Box
